I updated my profile this morning. Andy took my new pic and I did my measurements. Its hard to imagine now that 8 months ago I was weighting in at 400lbs....
I so totally feel like a different person now. Its not been easy but I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat!!!
Im so greatful so many of you are getting your approvals lately...I dont think u will ever regret it. It was the best thing I ever did for myself or my family
Have a great day everyone
You look Fantastic!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!
SO my surgery is next wednesday... I'm SO excited... Starting to get a little nervous too... but the anticpation up to the surgery is crazy, I think it will be a relief once it's just done... The weather outside is wonderful and it's going to be nice this weekend so I'm going to clean the house a good cleaning before surgery. I'm also going to get my hair braided in cornrows, my stepsister does it and I'mg oing to have her do it, and then go have lunch with my friends on saturday and my god son will be with me. So i have a funfilled action packed weekend, (notice my sarcasm)
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! ENjoy the weather
It's Thursday! One more day till the weekend. This weekend my hubby and son are going to test for new belts in tae kwon do. And tomorrow, I am going to check out the stable for my riding lessons, so all kinds of neat things to look forward to. Maggie (my daughter) and I got our pictures taken last night. I will have to put some up here, as soon as I find the cd-rom. I set it down last night. Doh. I actually liked how I looked in the pictures. That hasn't happened in a while.
Linda Vicory
I know I've never regretted the decision to have surgery and gain my life back. My relationship with my child has improved so much now that it's not a physical struggle to participate in his life.
I'm off today to see a genetics specialist in Indy for an ultra sound on the baby today. They need to measure her/his spine and spinal fluid to rule out the risk of Down Syndrome, spina bifa(sp?), T-18, and T-13 due to my age. We also get a clear measurement of the baby to find out exactly how far along I am and perhaps get a new due date. The due date right now is October 4th. Not looking forward to a long drive in the rain - as rain causes an RSD flare up for me. That means taking a pain pill... + driving a long distance.... uhmmm.... maybe I should find a driver...??
Anyways - hope everyone has a good day.
It can't be JUST due to your age, Jo. I had to have that same test. At least I think it's the same test, maybe not. I took a quad screen test (that tests for all the nueral tube and genetic defects), but I seem to remember it being just a blood test. I might be confused though. I had a boatload of tests, and my brain isnt what it used to be these days. I have diverted all it's genergy into willing my uterus to start contracting. As you can see, I must be low on brain power. hehehe.
The storms are here! I LOVE rainstorms! It was nice to wake up to, especially since I had some horrible nightmare about being at a huge funeral for my great grandmother and watching a HUGE plane wreck happen during it. Pregnancy has brought on all sorts of strange dreams.
Good Morning everyone,
Nothing too exciting today. Last night my X kept the boys for the night. I had my whole night planned out. Hot bath, put on jammies, watch Survivor and American Idol. Well....................someone hit a power poll up the road and the power was out from 5:30-10:30!!!!!! I was so bummed. It was very boring sitting in the dark by myself, so I went over to a neighbors. We both were thinking about offering to help the power guys so they could get it on in time for American Idol ;) But, it didn't happen. Oh well. He has them this weekend, perhaps I'll get my soak in then. Actually I'll probably go to the Y and get in their hot tub.