I was thinking , you know how everyone keeps that one pair of fat pants to get a pic taken with and when it is all said and done we dont really want to keep them but dont want to see them go . What if each person takes a 4x4 square of something and I start a quilt and as time goes by we can donate the finished quilts to a shelter for women and start a new one. This way we can give a little of each of us to someone in need. I dont mind doing the sewing it clams me down rather nicely sometimes. It was just a thought
Thats a great idea for those items that have a hole or a stain and cant be passed on at the clothing exchange. I know I have a few of those items... that I wouldnt want to give becouse I have spilt my lunch on them, ect. Would u want these items too for your quilts.... However, I know for me I hope ppl dont start cutting up their good clothes cause I know the clothing exchanges has been a godsend to me and others.
I hope the quits go over well and Im sure there are alot of women that could really use them. Is there are type of fabric u prefer...which would work best...light, med or heavy fabrics????