I'm back!
Hi everyone! I am home and healing. I have been sleeping a lot and taking things very slow. The pain meds are helping, but I still have pain. The incision sites don't seem to be that painful, but my chest muscles and arm muscles are very sore. I also have some very bad pain down on my mons were she did lipo! It looks great, but feels bad!!! I can't seem to stop looking at my new breasts. It is just amazing how different they look! I have never been perky before and they are so perky. They are still swollen and the implants have not settled into place yet, but I sure like them.
My Dr. has called and checked on me twice since I left the hospital and that sure made me feel good. I was very pleased with the whole thing and can't wait until later tonight when I get to change my compression garment and see my new flat tummy. Kind of like Christmas, with a few great drugs to make everything seem dreamy!!!
I want everyone to know how much your thoughts and prayers mean to me. I feel so blessed to have so many supportive people in my life. You all make me feel so accepted, and as an MO I never felt that way before.
WOW!!! I can't believe you are posting already! It is great to see your smiling face on here though! I hope that you plan on sharing your pics to help those of us who are seeking more info and insight, i know it is a personal decision though! I am sure happy that you are so pleased with everything, thus far! keep us posted on the pain and etc, us inquiring minds need/want to know!
I am sure your new boobies are amazing, you deserve them! You have done an amazing job on your journey!
It is nice to hear also that the docs office has been checking up on ya, that is nice! I will definately be more comfortable knowing that i too would be checked on! That is reassuring!
Take things slow, sweetie! Know that we are all hear pulling for ya, for a speedy recovery and a well finished journey! Hugz Dawn
I AM SOOOOOO IMPRESSED you are even moving...i would request a bed pan...lol....oh wow....so your not ready to dance i take it?
girl i think even as MO we would all be friends....and accept each other....but that being said we have these new lives and tons of new loser friends....
can not wait to see you.....and be all sleezy looking....Your poor husband...LOL..