There are 3 main factors with weight loss:
Increasing one or more of those three should jump start your weight loss again. If you are doing the same exercise over & over, mix it up some. If you usually just do walking, try some strength exercises. According to, to lose weight (anyone, not just post-ops), you should alternate from day to day between cardio & strength exercises. They have an excelent section on exercise suggestions.
Water...remember the old rule of thumb...eight 8oz glasses....or 64 oz. If you drink anything caffiene, for every one ounce you drink of it, drink 2 ounce of water in addition to the 64 oz. So..if you had an 8 oz cup of coffee that was full-lead, you'd need to drink 16 oz of water to make up for it's effects for a total of 80 oz for the day. Caffiene is an appetite stimulant and a dehydrator.
Protein...As people get further out, they tend to quit doing protein drinks and aren't as diligent to ensure they are getting enough protein every day. If you aren't drinking protein drinks, try some protein bars...although, they are more difficult to find high protein with lower calories. Choose high protein meats (crab and shrimp are excellent). Drink skim milk (Nesquick has some sugar-free chocolate to make this easier to do).
Do check out SparkPeople. It's an excellent program that can help you immensly. I would guess it's your lack of water more than your crackers...but if in doubt, cut back on them some. 3 crackers = 1 oz (don't go by the 5 crackers=1 serving). 1 oz should be plenty with some low fat cheese (I like skinny cow's spreadable cheese wedges).
Congrats on the excellent weight loss so far and best wishes at getting jump started again!