Its my blood sugar, Thanks for the info Pamela and Sherri. I tested my BS after I ate yesterday its was about 45 minutes to an hour. I felt really tired and bad it was 56. Called the dietician and got all the info to start eating right. protein first and complex carbs. I was feeling bad just a little bit ago and ate some peanut butter and crackers, I should have tested before I know but I waited till after and 1/2 later it was only 86 kinda freaking me out.
Thanks so much for the help.
I'm glad you got it checked out. Hypoglycemia is something that can be controled...and without meds... Until you know what all causes your sugar to drop, I would recommend your keeping a journal. I tracked everything everyday for a few months and then got to when I only tracked what I ate on the days my sugar bottomed out. The dietician (at St. V's) had me send in my journal via email once a week. We had tried the protein and complex carbs, but had to keep ruling out one that they wouldn't, and they have yet to.
According to my endocrinologist, people who were insulin resistant prior to RNY are carb after another so most of my carbs are those which are included in commonly considered good protein sources like milk, cheese, and peanut butter. I keep glycine tablets on hand to help bring up my sugar should I be where I can't get 'food'. One of my biggest concerns was that they would make me dump. The dietician assured me very good candidates for becoming hypoglycemic. He does consider mine to be caused by the RNY. But it's a fair trade as far as I'm concerned. If I hadn't had RNY, I'd probably be on insulin by now. This is MUCH better! Oh...I feel good if mine is above 70 since my 'bottoming out' has gotten as low as 43.
For me, I was advided by my endo to base it on how I feel. At 93, I would feel terrific...but then, with me, it has to get into the 40's before I even realize I have a problem. If you are concerned about how low is too low, I would really recommend your getting an endrocrinologist envolved. The dietician can help to get it under control, but an endo can answer your questions best. Mine monitors my hypoglycemia, my hythyroidism, and is monitoring my hormone levels since I'm in the pre-menopausal time of life (but have had a hysterectomy so no tale-tell signs of how that is going). I go through Dr. Zaidi. His office is near St. V's on 86th.