Pampered Chef
Hey all...
I'm having a 'silent' Pampered Chef party. I have to have the orders in by Feb. 28th. If you're interested in ordering, please go to, pick out what you want and drop me an email & let me know. $ is due with order. The dealer does not have an online account with Pampered Chef so we can't do the orders through the site and it count for me. I know..darn it! If you'd prefer to use a credit card, I can email you the dealer's addy and you can deal directly with her on that if you'd choose.
I was going to have a hot tub party the last weekend of February, but given that is right at the time of my son's next surgery, I'm afraid to commit to that right now. I'll try to schedule it before we get too far into March, but want to get all of this cancer stuff behind us first.
in advance, thank you for any orders, and thank you for your understanding about the hot tub party being delayed.
When Cindy Perry had her party, I ordered the frosting & the cookie shooters specifically for my sugar-free eclairs to make it easier to get the shape I want for them! I also long my stoneware square. It makes for nice easy baking for my sf peanut butter cookies! I also would be lost without the measuring cups I got from there.
But as i said...I love all their!