Hey Hope, The Park sounds fun but the PJ shopping sale sounds even better!!! I just love to shop and to do it in my jammies, that is so cool!!! I'm with Sherri, put me on the reminder list!!!! I could shop all morning in my jammies have a protein filled breakfast and then spend the rest of the day in the water park!!! What a dream weekend for me!!!! I hope you have a great WLS journey and keep us all updated!
I wish I had a wedding to go to this weekend Hope. I have a beautiful suit I bought some yrs ago for a wedding and it cost me over $400. and I just now am down where I can get into it. I had it on last night and I figured that would be the only time I would get to wear it....since I have no formal events to go to. Guess I'll be putting it in the goodwill boxes for them to cart off on Wed....just breaks my heart to do that without getting to wear it again before it goes.
You pj sale sounds great. I wish the stores around here would have a pj sale and stay open all night...that would be fun
Here is the #1 reason for you to be THANKFUL your surgery was postponed: IT IS TOO DAMN COLD OUT! Once you lose weight hon, you feel every degree that is lower than your body temp! I would not go back to 350 lb for anything in the world, but enjoy having that extra insulation right now! At least with you not having it until the end of March, it will be warming up to reasonable temps by then!
And hon, yes, WE are all here for you no matter what your future holds! We aren't wonder women...just experienced women. Many of us have been in the position you're in and have had to make the hard stance...and the hard decisions. When I say 'I wouldn't put up with that', I am actually saying 'I did not and will not put up with that'.
Kudo's for starting your new eating way of life! And kudo's in getting your hubby to go on it too. It's so much easier post-op if there is no garbage in the house to tempt you. Bill has his deli chocolate chip cookies (he eats 1 maybe once a week), but that's it that is in my house that isn't WLS friendly. Since I became hypoglycemic post-op, our meals are very much South Beach friendly. The only time Bill has potatoes or rice is when we go out for dinner...and then alot of time, he'll choose the vegetable melody like I do. He's even switched to diet pop. He use to be a HUGE Coke fan! He's lost ~20-30lbs since my surgery (more during the summer when he can get outside).
My advise...quit thinking of it as a 'diet'. Diets will fail you every time! Start thinking of it as a way of life. Start reading labels. Choose the one which contains the lowest calories/fat/carbs that is available. If I have to choose between lowest fat and lowest carb, I choose lowest fat content. The nuts told me to get at least 100 g of carbs but less than 30 g of fat per day. So...gotta be alot more restrictive on the fats. Any carbs you eat 'white' of, go darker when possible..choose sweet potatoes over white, wheat bread over white, whole grain over white, spinach pasta over white, etc. When it comes to meat, choose white/skinless baked/steamed/grilled. Switch to olive oil and conola oil....get rid of the vegetable oil.
So far today...we got up, checked our email. Had breakfast. Took a long nap. Now we're checking our email. Hmmm...lunch and then another nap...??? Could be...It's just the type of weather for it! Stay warm!