Message From Deb Noel
Howdy all!!
Here's an update. If I ever go through this again...I will be better prepared J
I finally got the wrecking permit...and it stated at the bottom that I needed an asbestos problem eh? So I call the inspector and it turns out that there is an automatic 14 day waiting period****sigh****
So the inspection was done yesterday and the house is scheduled to come down 1-25-07. Then I have to have the hole inspected before it can be filled in...then inspected again after it has been filled in....thennnnnnnnnn I can get the building permit for the new I am hoping I have the building permit in hand by Feb 5th. The house should be completed this month and ready to be delivered once the foundation is built. I am hoping to be in the new house by the end of Feb at the latest...but who knows at this point in time?
I don't have Carol's e-mail addy here at work...can someone forward this to her? Thanks!!
I miss everyone and can't wait to be back on-line!!
Take care all and hugssssssssssssssssssss