Blood Pressure Question
Hey gang,
I am having problems getting my blood pressure undeer control. I was wondering if this is going to be an issue when I go to have surgery. It never gets higher than 142/94 and on my meds it's down to 135/85 but they want it lower than that... do you guys know if this is going to be an issue?
My BP was running about 130/85 with meds before surgery, and Dr. Inman still did mine. If your surgeon wants it lower, you might talk to your PCP about adding another blood pressure medication to your regime. I took only one at first, and my BP got down to the 140/90 area, and then mine added lisinopril to the mix and that got me down further.
Linda Vicory
PS. Surgery immediately corrected my blood pressure. I left St. V off both BP meds.
Heh There Jessyca,
When I went in on the day of surgery, mine was elevated, it was about 140/93, and it didn't delay mine. Like the other member said, just try to watch the salt intake and I think it's good to do some deep breathing, for me anyway. That always helps me when I'm stressed at work and know my blood pressure is up.
See ya Dear,