Well I had my appointment today with my Pain Management Doc and got some bad news, even though I figured it was comming. I am going to have surgery. They have me scheduled with a Neuro Surgeon in Indianapolis this Thursday for preliminary work up, etc.
The Doc laid it on the line to me that it is either surgery or live with the pain the rest of my life and probably would not be able to walk. Neither of these choices are for me, so I will proceed with the surgery. The injections are not working and I can only take so much pain meds.
Anyway, I ask for your prayers are I head into this latest episode in my life.
Oh, Dan. I am so sorry to hear that your pain blockers are not working in your back and that they are now recommending back surgery. I have a lot of back problems so I know what back pain is. I pray that God fits you with His choice for a surgeon who is able to give you some lasting pain relief. Karen