Karen Wing 12-23-06
Well last night she was doing really well made it one whole lap. (I did the happy dance for her) She was still in quite a bit of pain but pushing through it.
However this morning her labs said her hemoglobin was down to 6.6 (should be at least 8). So they gave her 2 more units of blood (total of 5) and also started her on stronger pain meds, she responded well was walking a little, and able to get herself up and down out of bed without help.
After supper she was sitting in the chair and about passed out again. She is back to bed and out of it again. So it is a rollercoaster over here. The docs are keeping a close eye on her and say she's fine and it will take time to get her pep back. Neatless to say she won't be going home tomorrow, they haven't officially said that yet but they won't send her like this.
Please keep her in your prayers, she is having a horrible go. Good news is her pouch is a happy camper and doing well with food. I will keep you all updated, she has really enjoyed the calls from you all and the support she feels, is good for her. Thank you.
Thank you for the Mom update.
Tell Karen that I'm leaving it up to her. When she feels like calling, I'll be happy to talk. I don't want to call her and disturb her though. I remember well enough what it's like to be in pain....and we women! if someone calls us, we'll put on a happy face a chat away even if we feel like we're near death. So...I won't do that to her. I'd love to talk with her...but only when she feels up to it.
In the meantime....CONGRATS on those Laps!!