Has any had problems with swelling of legs, itching of skin,, or diabetes symptoms since...
Hello Everyone, I am three year 3 months post. I lost over 200 lbs and I have been feeling really good until recently. I have been experincing swelling of the legs, gaining of weight (a little: but it seems like water weight), SEVERE itching of the skin after eating anything that may be a little bit higher in sugar., Mostly at night. I don't experience the "dumping syndrom" from the high level of sugar eaten. But I do sometime have "tingling in legs,feet, and hands" at times after eating something with sugar in it. Lately for some reason my legs and ankles are swelling, and my skin itches ALOT as well as I have increased hunger( a couple of MORE LITTLE MEALS) a day than usual. I sometimes wake up in the morning and my face is swollen (puffy). No fever or pain though. I have been urinating much more than usual. I was not a diabetic prior to surgery nor was I a border-line diabetic prior to surgery. Now for some reason I feel as though I may have the symptoms of a diabetic lately since my surgery in Sept. 2003. I have a doctors appointment in a couple of days. But, I was wandering if anyone else may have experinced these kind of symptoms and was diagnosed as being a "diabetic" since WLS surgey? I am schedule for lab tests and to see my doctor but I just would like to ask the "family" of WLS patients to see if anyone else experienced this to maybe have a insight that this may be related to our surgery as a "post op!". Very concerned and wandering.....
Tanesha...I am a nurse...and diabetic...I know that you have lost a lot of weight and wasn't diabetic before this but with anything even weight loss our bodies change and other illness and concerns crop up..do you have diabetes in your family?...I certainly would be calling your doctor and getting an exam The urinary frequency, increased hunger, makes me think your sugar is up...but please understand the good diagnosis is from your physician who will do a detailed exam and testing...good luck...linda