Gail and Mary... REPORT
I just spoke with Gail, she seemed in pretty good spirits although I was having a hard time understanding her sometimes, she sounded pretty groggy, she did confirm that a wound specialist will be taking a look at her tomorrow as she is still leaking in her incision, she also said she is still nauseous (sp) and was able to keep food down at least. She asked to please post that Mary Brown is still in the hospital and is having some issues, this is where it became hard to understand, but I did get that Mary is in ISOLATION, so could we all please keep her in our thoughts and prayers too, please! Gail did ask about Linda and Scott's upcoming surgeries too and said she was thinking about them and that she may see them while they are there! So if anyone is visiting St V's this week, we have alot of our own there! Hope everyone is doing well, I am not able to go and visit right now, with my own issues and an ambulance ride to ER yesterday, but did want to update everyone and wish everyone well on their upcoming surgeries and wishing well wishes for Mary and Gail!
Hope everyone has a great week and happy turkey day!
Hugz Dawn
Oh my! Thanks for the update. I have been watching the board and praying for both of them as I knew they were having a rough time. We all know that they are getting the best care at St. V's. I will continue to pray and hope they are home soon and beginning on this journey without complications. Dawn, you take care of yourself too! Karen