I am such a sucker!
Aren't they just the cutest when they are those little balls of fuzz?! I wish ours was still little like that! I never had a cat but when Eric moved into this apartment I had 3 months before I could move in (had to finish my semester at college.) So to keep him company I got him this little stray that had been left at the side of the road in a cardboard box. He has turned out to be the best cat ever! He and our dog are best friends and he sleeps on my head/pillow at night!! You have to post pictures!!

I should have known that I didn't have the kitty market cornered in this crowd. LOL I just had no idea how much fun a new kitty would be. We have been so busy with it that I was only online once all day yesterday.
Marianne, we should start calling you the cat woman! LOL You have more cats than I have kids and that is hard to beat.
Dan enjoy that new fluff ball!
Sam I will get some picture up soon.
No name yet, we still need to find out if it is a boy or girl.
Have a good day all,