Ann and I stopped up to St Vincent's today and had about an hour and half visit with Mary and her friend. She was out walking the halls when we arrived and seems to doing very well. Her friend is looking after her and making her behave and follow the Docs orders. They are going to start her back on her heart medication tonight. Hopefully she will getting out of the hospital on Monday. She is going to be staying in Indianapolis with her friend for awhile so she has some help.
I took her one of the Gift Bags and let her know it was from all of us Melting Hoosiers. He has appreciated the calls and I understand she has had lots of visitors from family and people from her community.
It was great talking to her and encouraging her. My prayer for her is that after loosing her weight that her heart will improve and that she will not have to have a heart transplant.
By the way my 1 year check up went very well today. Dr Cacucci is going to see me in 3 months to arrange for surgery for my herinated belly button. She will do lap surgery and said it will be day surgery. She wanted to wait until I was over the intestine problems first. All blood work was well in the normal range. I guess I must be doing something right. Thank God for that.