12 days for me!
I am starting to get nervous. I am thinking things like can I remember to do all I'm supposed to do? Will I be able to get in all my meds, when I have to take each pill 1/2 hour apart? Will I hurt alot, etc. I try to tell myself, alot of people have done this, and succeeded, and I can do it too. I am afraid somewhat of being so far from home at St. V's. I think it will be kind of lonely, all my family and friends are too far away to really come much and visit. But I dunno. I guess I'm just venting. Thanks for listening.
I can understand your nervousness., we have all been there. I found out after surgery my pills were reduced by 7 , so alot less to take.( I ma now off 11!!!!) You will get through it all, just fine. Remember we all started out slow, with lots of "fear & nervousness" too. Scott's surgery is the day before- so there will be somebody to "walk the halls with". That is how I got to know my surgery pal! Also, you will be so busy that you hardly have time to get lonely. I asked my friends to stop in at my house a few days after surgery to check in woth me, or call, since we live 30 mi. from St. V's & you aren't there very long.
It will be here before you know it. Hang in there!!!!
You are going to do just fine! I remember doing the same thing....am I making the right decision, how will I ever remember all of that? It takes time and when I went I had a binder they had given me to tell me how long I would be doing this or that and it seemed to help a lot. Keep your chin up and it will be here quicker than you know it. You'll be in and out of surgery and home before you know it too. A positive attitude was got me through. I was the one in the bed getting ready to go to surgery and I was the one comforting everyone that was crying and all I could do was tell THEM it was going to be just fine. The Dr. came in and I said "Do you have your A game on today? He said he doesn't leave home without it and I responded "okay then lets rock and roll" then off we went. I would do it again in a second. You will do GREAT! It will all be worth it and you will feel like a millon bucks getting rid of all that weight. The energy is just awesome.
Take care and let us know how you are doing.
Vent away!
You've gotten some great responses! As far as the pain, everyone's pain threshold is different. I don't remember being in a lot of pain, it was more of an uncomfortable feeling. I had one of those pain pump button things and I used it all the time because I liked the sound it made!!
That might be why I don't remember a lot of pain.
I don't think you'll be lonely in the hospital, I remember wanting people to leave!
You might get a little lonely at home but thats what QVC is for!
I checked out a few books from the library beforehand and had my honey rent me some movies. And I spent a lot of time on this site; reading about other people, messing with my profile, etc.
I'll be honest, at first getting in all of my meds, water and protein was tough. But you just keep reminding yourself how important it is to get them in and you'll be fine. Good luck!!

Linda.. from one beautiful person to another... I spazed out worrying about getting in all my protien.. I was worrying more than I was doing.. then Debbie Noel sat me down and said DO THE BEST YOU CAN. I did and within a couple weeks I had all the protien I needed and even got in some other liquids and "foods". Remember sip sip sip and do not drink while your eatting ...You fill up to fast and the solids just slip right back out..
Dont worry about things so much you get nervous.. have everything preplanned (vitamins) and remember you are now in charge of you. You will be a looser you cant help but loose but you are in charge of being healthy while you are loosing..
Heck, I didnt want to see anyone.. even sent hubby home.. I got on to walking the halls and stopping in and visiting Peggy and Julie that the time just flew by.
Pain?? NOPE.. Liquid Loritab works.. but the shot they put in my IV was GREAT!!! The second day I was just so worn out I slept inbetween walks.. and when I got home I would walk the yard.. hubby got angry because I would walk while he was sleeping but oh well I survived...
YOU WILL be fine. You worry just enough to keep trying to do your best.