Good moring everyone,
I woke to a weird sensation. It felt like my toe was being smashed of something and that I was trying to pull it out of whatever vice it was in. Needless to say, it hurt when I woke up. I took some of my tylenol w/codiene and thought I'd pop a note to you guys while I'm waiting for it to kick which, it's beginning to already.
Tiffany, Jay (my son), and Rod (Tiff's hubby) all came over yesterday. How do you get the point accross to young people that without a college education, they will be in a constant money struggle??? My sil is 30..and tried every excuse to not go back to school. He probably couldn't do it because of his eyes (he's color-blind..whoop-te-do), what if he went and couldn't find a job in that field, what he'd really like to do is open a restaurant, his pc hook-up is slow so probably wouldn't be good doing a class online. Grrrrr.... I would shoot each excuse down (In order: check with the advisor for whatever field, repeat, takes money to own a business, all you have to do is email your homework so go to library or here if need be). I guess I'm not one to have patience with someone who uses a ton of excusess to not do what they need to do.
Hope you guys have lots of fun stuff planned today! Mary..good luck sweetie!
Good morning everyone!
Sure hope that toe quits being a pain soon Sherri! My husband has recently went back to school too. I was in school, but with baby on the way, gonna wait out a few semesters to finish up. Chris only has about 1 full semester left so we'll get him finished up and in a good job, then I can finish up.
My friends are leaving today, makes me very sad
It's hard getting used to having somene to do something withand talk to, and then poof! You're all lonely again.

Good morning!
Sherri, you're making my foot hurt! I know what kind of pain it is since I've mine both worked on twice. No fun at all.
I haven't been able to sleep much since finding out my surgery is going to be this Monday. (I still can't believe I got scheduled so soon.****ep going over everything I need to do and making sure everything is done before I go. I will be ready to sleep for awhile on surgery day. I haven't heard too much about Community South hospital though. Anyone else had their surgery there?
Everyone have a good day,
Whew Sherri your post made me cringe. You make sure to take it easy with this tootsies!!
Back at work today after a wonderful day off. I did my civic duty of voting and then took Kiwi to the vet (ear infection in both ears,) treated myself to a massage, pedicure, eyebrow waxing (ok thats not so much a treat,) and grocery shopping. I walked out with 6 boxes of various sugar free popsicles. LOVE THEM!! Enjoyed some homemade lasagna last night for dinner prepared by one of my bosses as a thank you for all I do. Very yummy!
Yesterday was my 14 week post op mark. I took some new pictures and put them on my picture trail account. I actually have a semi-waist and I see some collarbone! Holy crap!! Check them out at Kiwi managed to sneak into them all in some way as well.
My thoughts are with Mary and Dawn today!!

Hello: I'm enjoying my last day of vacation just doing odds and ends. Hope to get some scrapboking done tonight. Making chili for dinner to night ( if I don't burn the meat while on here)
Sherri my feet hurt in sympathy for you. I know what you mean abouat the kids and their education. My daughter quit with with 1 semister to go and now that she's on her own can't afford to go back to finish. She can barely support herself since her divorce. She never has trouble finding a job just sitcking whit one. My son was never the student. He tried college then tech school but just can't follow thru with book work. He's worked at the same job all thru high school (as a meat cutter) and gets along just fine. He recently joined the local vol fire dept. and has taken the first responder course and passed. Last Sat they had a medic run for a 6 wk old baby not breathing. He did CPR (2 man) and the baby was revived. He is now interested in going thru the EMT training. If is something hands on that he can do he does well. College is not for everyone. It is more important that you find something you like and do it well. Sam
you look great! WOW. I'm so impressed. I've got to find time to redo my profile and add pic's. Maybe tonight?