Beginning the real stage of a loser. . .
I came home from St. Vincent's on Friday. I had my surgery on Tuesday. I had 2 days worth of ice chips and then Thursday was all day grape juice. Friday morning after the okay from the Dr. I was rewarded with oatmeal and orange jello.
For lunch, I had mashed potatoes and cottage cheese.
It is now Sunday and I'm still sore. I'll be happy when that is over, but I am able to get up and down on my own.
(Unless I sit on the loveseat. . .ain't doing that again for a while.
Right now the hardest thing I'm remembering is getting all that medicine/vitamins, water, protein down. . .lol. . .hmm that's about everything isn't it.
I'll get it down, just takes time.
I've learned a couple things. . .sugary stuff. . .(the sugar used to flavor Tylenol and Motrin for kids. . . Is WAY TOO sweet, and natural sugars are gone. . .they taste sour.

Welcome home hon! It does get easier..the sitting/standing/sleeping, the drinking protein/water, the taking vitamins/pills, the eating your food. You're doing great! I usually use NyQuil if I'm not feeling well...Loratab if I'm in pain. If any ?? pop up, don't hesitate for a minute to call your surgeon's office. That's what they get paid the big $$ for. Of course, we on here will try to give you any help & advise we can.
You sound normal to me... For me, life as a looser began the day they took the drain tube out!!! Remember don't stress it... Do the best you can on getting y our protien in and dont worry about anything else.. The Drs are there if ya need them and we are here all the time.
Love and wishes for a fantastic journey!!
Thanks guys.
I really appreciate the support. It is easier today, getting up from the chairs and using the restroom! Bless my hubby, but it is nice to now be able to take care of myself in that department.
I tried the protein supplement shake the surgeon offers but yucky. . .lol. . Hubby found a 19g protein shake called ProZero in chocolate that tastes okay. I worry I am going to smell like a giant vitamin!!! lol.

Hi Deanna
I am so glad you are starting to feel better. I too had a tuff time with the self help in the bathroom area. No matter what I just couldn't seem to reach and bend. LOL Glad to be done with that! It's great that you found a shack you can drink. Keep on updating us all we love to be a part of it!