What A Weekend ( Sunday)
So glad this weekend is about over and hoping next weekend is better. Big highlight of this weekend was my dogs getting in a fight (Hagrid just got nuetered this week, and the other we think was leaning on his owie). The one who was already nuetered (Joey), ended up with a pretty deep cut in his face, so off to the doggie emergency room we went. 3 hours (they had a few critical patients come in, we didnt mind waiting), and $200 later, he's on some strong antibiotics, got the area around his owie shaved and a few staples in his face. We take him back on the 7th to get the staples removed. Poor thing has to wear an Elizabethan collar for the whole ten days he has the staples in. I cant hardly stand to look at poor Joey cause it hurts my heart to see him like this. But he seems to be coping very well, doesnt act like he's in pain or anything and is still wanting to snuggle, get belly rubs, and play (athough he keeps running into the walls because of the lampshade around his neck).
Hope everyone that went to the convention had a marvelous time and a a safe trip to and from. Everyone else I hope has had a good weekend. Hurry up Friday! Oh, and don't forget to set your clocks back an hour! The doggies apparently don't recognize daylight savings, since they didnt let me get my extra hour of sleep!
My dog got neutered a couple of months ago and I was hoping that it would calm him down some but it did not. He is still very rowdy and he chews on everything. I bought a new dining table and chairs and paid a pretty good penny for it and he has already chewed on the table and one of the chairs. I don't know what to do with him. My husband has had enough and is ready to get rid of him. We put him in his cage when we catch him and you would think as much time as he spends in his cage that he would figure it out but I guess not. He is a Shih Tzu. Do you have any advice for me?
Enough about me rambling on about my dog I hope everyone has a great day.