Thinking Back
when a friend first sent me this site, i would wear it out.......reading the stories and seeing the before and after pics...I would spend hours on this site, and soaking up any piece of info i could find...there was not always this Indiana board, or else it took me some time to locate...I did belong to a group of fine people that has cigna ins, we started a board for those of us fighting those PUNKS...Gosh, i was in for the fight of my life...this is an exciting time for you that are just starting this, and not something you just woke up one night and thought this is what i will do.......was not at all an easy thing to do.....and still is not........i had a lady tell me just last night she is so proud of my being able to maintain, as she knew 3 others that had not...I know my surgeon is tops in this field in my book...God gave him some very skilled hands...
But once we are so far out, it is on us....we have choices to make and they are not always the right ones...not for me easy to want those cheetos, ooooh and now i love those.....but i know i can not have any in my house, as i would not be happy till they were gone...I could just go on and on.......
One day at a time, like an AAA meeting, is how we live...
anyway....any of you long timers have any ideas or what do you do to help you stay on track?
Peggy and I started the food journel we were always supposed to start.. and it is helping . we are being accountable to eachother.. with eachother for support.. Thats why we have to stick together. to stay online and comment to eachother.. meet everyonce in a while to SEE how we are doing.. Stay supportive and stay in your circle of support.. because once you become unaccountable to someone.. once you strike out totally on your own withhout the loving reminders that it is twinkies that got you here and twinkies will take you back..
I aint leaving you guys cuz I aint EVER going back..
Love ya