Do I qualify for bariatric surgury? For Medicaid or self pay?
I am 29 years old, 5'7 225 BMI 35 with comorbidities of high bp, high cholesterol, urinary incontinance, and degenerative disc disease L5/S1. I also suffer from Addison's Disease (adrenal insufficiency,) Wilson's Syndrome (t3 deficiency,) Premature Ovarian Failure (low estrogen & testosterone,) these illnesses have caused light cornary prob's at times and with a high body weight I am much more prone to diabetes and other diseases because of my endocrine problems. Do I qualify for bariatric surgury and for medicaid coverage of surgury. I have been on a special diet for a year with a nutritionalist but have lost no weight then just found out about all of the endocrine diseases last month. Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you sooo much. Jennifer