Poll of the Day
I use to be a decaf diet pepsi-holic. At 2+yr post-op, I have an occational diet root beer (naturally decaf) but that's it. I've had 2 6-packssitting on my table since about June. I just finished up one of them last weekend...and that was with sharing with my MIL. It just doesn't taste as good as it did pre-op and it is a little unsettling in my pouch.
So...yes, but not much.
I had my first sip of pop about 2 months out. I took a drink of my daughter's thinking it was tea. It made my pouch feel funny, very bubbly couldn't take one more drink. I was a huge diet pepsi drinker pre-op. I am 10 months out and have an occasional sip, but its not the same. Still doesn't feel great in the pouch. I can't figure out why I liked it to begin with. I don't think it will hurt you to try a sip. I think it just might kick the craving because it definately feels funny.
I was a true pepsi-holic....After surgery I tried it a couple of times. Boy was that a big mistake...It feels like I can't breath and it gets stuck. Kind od like if you don't chew your food very well. I have tried diet, and diet caffeine free. they actually taste horrible to me now. I was craving for a pepsi so bad that I actually wanted one in a glass bottle. We haven't seen those since what, the early 80's or so? Well I cured it when i went to the James dean festival in faimount, Ind. I went innto a shop and there I found an 8oz glass bottle of pepsi. That's right. I put it on my counter and I look at it everyday. i remember how good it used to taste and I also remember how it helped put the pounds on. So now I don't even want it. If at all possible try to stay away from it. we don't want to try and go back to old habits. If we start one and it is ok then we might try another thinking it will be ok too. Remember what you just went through and how you got there and ask yourself if it is really worth it or not. Good luck and welcome to the loser side..