down 8 pounds
hey Susan,
Everything is great, I dont feel like I even had surgery, besides my restrictions. Only thing is I felt like I had the flu or something on monday and that was my first check up and after my drain tube came out I felt 100% better. How weird. Its hard getting my protein in on a daily basis but I am doing better. Thank you for checking in on me. I wish I would of lost a little more but 8 pounds is better than nothing. I actually lost 18 because I lost the 10 I gained in the hospital, but that 10 doesn't count towards my start weight the day of surgery. well I will see you in about 2more weeks.

hi Tracey!
I'm glad you are feeling so good! I guess its the difference in surgeons .. but I never had to have the tube down my throat during surgery .. and also didnt have to go home with tubes either. So that was awesome for me. When I had my surgery, however, I did have to have my gallbladder out at the same time - and it was being very stubborn on coming out. So my surgery was longer, and when I woke up, I was in major pain. So I didnt feel as good as you, Linda and JoAnn evidently did/are .... but thats great that you all feel so well. Especially you! How did you like those little serving bowls for your meals in the hospital??? Werent they "cute"??? lol ..... I STILL, to this date, have trouble getting protein in. So .. thats normal. Beware .. if you arent already ... I was COLD .. and I mean FREEZING .. all the time! Before surgery, I was always hot. So that was new to me, and I hated it. That will last for awhile. You are doing real good with the weight loss. CONGRATS! You are now a "loser" !!! (in a GOOD sense!) Thanks for responding because I had heard no updates on you at all. I was wondering about you.
See ya in a couple weeks!