What to take to the hospital?
I took a bunch of junk people told me i would need and i didnt use hardly any of it. just take what you would take if you were going to a hotel to spend the nite. well maybe not that much.hehehe like Linda said just take lip balm and the bare necessities. you will be walking when you arent sleeping. Carla
I head out tomorrow morning. . .I'm taking . . .wait. . .this sounds like that game. "I'm going on a road trip and I'm taking. . ." ;)
lip balm
one change of clothing for the day I leave the hospital
and. . .
my spouse. . .who will have my laptop. . .(so if I am not sleeping or walking I am writing. lol!)
I thought about a camera. . .lol I really did. I don't know though. I know how I look when I get out of surgeries for having babies and cysts removed. lol... I'm sure not photogenic, but then again. . .I'm going to meet some folks I have chatted with here too. . .Hmmm. ..
adds. . one digital camera to the suitcase.