Did you write......
I also did not. I've heard of some people doing that though. The only 'good-bye's' I said pre-op were to food. I visited each of my favorite places, ordered my favorite item, and while I was eating it, told 'it' why I could no longer have it. By the time I was finished with the ________ (fill in the blank), I no longer wanted that food because it had sunk in on how bad it was for me. As to writing or saying any good-bye's to my family and friends though? No. I KNEW it was not good-bye.
Each person has to do what they feel comfortable with though. If it would make you feel better to write the letters, write them. It is a VERY personal choice.
Hi Gail,
First off you are so sweet, Thanks for all the nice things you said to me.
No I didn't write letters. I was more afraid of what was going to happen to me if I didn't have the surgery that I guess I never feared not coming home. I just knew that I was going to be fine. I agree with Sherri that it is a very personal choice and you must do what you believe the right thing to be. I also had faith that if I had done a good job each day telling everyone how much they mean to me then they would know what I would say to them if I did write a letter. Dose that make sense? I hope so.
Have a wonderful day,
I did not write "good bye" letters. I did however give my parents, my boyfriend, and my 2 best friends Thank you cards explaining how much I appreciated them and their support of this surgery. I felt if something should happen those would be nice last momentos and it eased my mind.
Like Sherri I too had "funerals" for food. I detailed out my feelings in my journal so take a look! I feel as though having all my favorite things one last time and knowing it was going to be my last time really helped.
Gail you are going to do fantastic and I can't wait to come see you next Wednesday!!

You know I had not even thought about till someone ask me .
I tell everyone "I love you" everyday so all my family and special people in my life should really know. I like the ideas everyone above stated. Thanks, for all your help.
Guess how many days ???? if you said 11 ,you are so RIGHT !!!
Hugs to All, Gail
Hi Gail,
I really went back and forth on the whole letter thing. I decided that the people in my life that I would have written to, already knew the things I would put in a letter. They know how much I love them, how much their support means to me, why I had the surgery, etc. I do like the idea of sending thank you cards. That is kinda neat. Good luck to you in your journey! It is worth every minute of every struggle we go through to get here.
I did not write letters but i had written my letter to the insurance that explained why i thought i should have the surgery, it was filled with all the things i couldnt do with my kids and grandkids and how it affected our family and it was loaded with my feelings and disapointments because of my weight and it of course listed all my medical problems and diets i had tried, I left it on my computer desk top so i figured if anything went wrong it was the best explaination i had for why i was doing the surgery and if anything went wrong my family would know that it was my choice and i had the surgery because i wanted to do it for me and why. I had no fears of not making it , i guess i worried about complications but who doesnt.
Good Luck to you Gail, I will be thinking of you, Carla