Off Topic: Apartment Issues
So Eric and I have lived in the same apartment complex going on 3 years (in February.) The quality of life at our apartments has gone down the drain in the past year and a half. We now feel forced to go buy a house because we can't stand to live in the apartments another year. This morning I had my last straw with some neighbor drama and I am going to go talk to the apartment manager. I have kept quiet for a long time and can no longer go without saying anything. Here is the letter I have written to them:
To Whom It May Concern:
We have been residents of Washington Village since February of 2004. We were so excited to call Washington Village our home. Upon moving in we were greeted by a great group of neighbors and spent many evenings sitting outside, playing with their children, and just enjoying each other's company. We never had a single complaint concerning noise, the conditions outside or inside our apartment. The children in the neighborhood were fairly courteous and very rarely a problem. We truly enjoyed the staff and the individuals living at Washington Village.
As always, people's lives progress and slowly our neighbors began moving away. Within the past 18 months new management has taken over the running of Washington Village. In that time period our quality of life has decreased dramatically.
Every morning we walk outside our door and are greeted with unsightly lawn ornaments, trash, toys, mud, and just a general mess courtesy of our neighbors. The sidewalks have been painted and the landscaping destroyed. There have been beer cans, cigarette butts, bikes, "junk furniture" from the trash compactor littering our front walk way for over a year now, at some points to where we could not get out our door. The roof of our complex is not even safe from being covered with shoes, toys, and "junk." The handicap signs have been torn down, colored on, and covered in mud on a regular basis. Children are constantly loitering in front of our apartments screaming, cursing, and being a general nuisance. Most days I can not even walk to and from my front door via the sidewalk because they are blocking the way.
Many times I have seen children almost get hit by cars because they choose to play or ride their bikes/skateboards in the middle of the street. My car has been hit/dented numerous times by flying footballs and has deep scratches in the side. I don't bother getting them repaired till after we leave Washington Village.
Eric being a sheriff's deputy has had to deal with a multitude of issues and he is not even one of the security officers. Our door is getting knocked on at least once a week now with issues ranging from children fighting, children shooting BB guns out back, beer bottles being broken on the basketball courts, and non-residents bringing their family drama to our complex. Prior to this past 18 months, our door was knocked on once.
This morning was the final straw for me. At 6:30 AM I ventured outside to walk my dog in the mosquito infested yards and was greeted by my neighbor upstairs and two gentlemen staying with my other neighbor threatening to beat each other up. This is ridiculous! I appreciated the notice sent to all residents concerning the complex's children however; I feel the entire letter was directed at one set of neighbors. The same set of neighbors causing all of my above complaints.
I am sad to say that we are currently counting down the days until our lease is up and we can leave this complex. The maintenance crew and office staff has never been a problem and we truly appreciate everything they have done. I understand money needs to be made but by lowering the residency standards, you are costing yourself a lot more than money, you are costing yourself your credibility. Before I was eager to refer individuals to our complex, now I would not recommend anyone (especially if they have children) live at Washington Village.
I again want to thank the staff for all their hard work at maintaining these apartments. The service we have received has never been short of fantastic. As your notice requested, please find attached my suggestions for solving some of the problems Washington Village.
Now my question is, would I be over doing it if I sent it to the company that owns the apartments? Should I see what the apartment manager says or should I send them a letter too? I'm just so frustrated because we need to buy a house by February and he aren't in the position to really do so yet but feel we have it. Any thoughts are appreciated!

Well when you are ready, if it is soon, we will be selling our home. We live up in Noblesville and our house is (in my opinion) very nice. 1300 Sq Ft
My hubby got a job in Atlanta GA and we have to move there. I will be moving out at the beginning of the year and getting new carpet as well as some new kitchen flooring as well as touching up some paint issues, other than that, it is really nice! I just can't move until we sell the house, so I am forced to be hundreds of miles from my husband until that happens.
How much is your rent? Maybe it is somewhat close to what our mortgage payment is and you might like to be in a house. As I said, I have to stay until it is sold.
With the new baby on the way, it is going to be really hard on me to have my two kids and be almost ready to deliver and try to sell our house.
I hope your problem gets solved either way. Good luck to yoU!

Oh yeah. I'd send it on. It is a management issue ( or should I say mismanagment)
They owners should be aware of what is going on. Have you talked to a realtor yet?
There are lot of programs out there with little or no down and it is definatley a buyers market now. I'd start looking and talking to people. Feb will be here sonner than you think. I'm so used to living in the country now that I don't know if I could even live in town with close neighbors. I can just imagine how you are feeling. BTW. Thank your mom for that lovely green suit she donated. It is like new and fits me perfectly. I should be able to bring it to the spring exchange for someone else to get use out of.
Sam most definatley pass that letter on to upper management, owners etc. We have problems at our complex as well and I look at it this way, first of all you have to go through this big screening to even get into most apartments,houses etc. Makes you wonder how some of them get in. Secondly for the rent that we pay, i accept nothing more than respect and respect from my neighbors. The landscaping and buildings should all be kept up. Your letter is great and I certainly hope it opens their eyes. generally speaking they do not like to see a "Good" tenant leave. When we had problems and told our complex we were leaving they tried everything in their power to keep us. offered to tranfer us to another apartment that was actually larger for the same rent we were already paying, no transfer fee's etc but we had had enough and declined. Good Luck and I hope your letter opens someones eyes.
I'd send it to as many people, as far up the ladder as I can. If I were in your shoes and knew I was leaving when the lease was up, I would wait until closer to when you have to give your notice of moving (usually 30 days prior to your lease being up) to send the copies out. Anyone, apartment management included, can be real jerks if they feel like you are tattling on them. Don't get me wrong, their bosses NEED to read this...but you don't want to go through 4 months of BS if you can cut it down to 1 month.