oooh tomorrow is gonna be fri the 13th...watch out for black kittys...
darn is it windy out.....and will not even get up to 50 today.....I am up way to early this morning...looking like a day to stay in bed and cover up your head....i am sooo not ready for this kind of temps...
but boy the leaves sure have all fallen.....
have a great day everyone....
I am such a BAD girl!
First, I left work early to go shopping & find me a coat and I am SO glad I did!!!! Brrrr! 31 degrees when I came to work this morning!! I am NOT ready for this at all! Anyway, found me a coat that I actually liked at Value City (priced $49 but got 20% off so only paid $39 for it!) after checking at Wal-Mart, Target, and Burlington's. I also picked up some sheets and stuff for the RV while I was there. I love shopping and feeling like I got a bargain!
Then...I just did NOT want to get out of bed this morning so instead of getting to work at my usual 6 AM, I didn't get here until 7:55! Think I'm gonna stay hours later because of it? No way! Not with me having ~80 hours of vacation time to use up real quick. It is just so hard to convince myself to be here each day ..8 hours a day...knowing I have that time! I go back to the foot doctor the 18th and I'm gonna try to get him to say what day I will most likely be released back to work after the other foot is done. If he says Dec. 18th, then I'll want to save a few of those vacation hours for then..but if he says the 22nd, then I wouldn't have time to use them...and if that's the case, I won't be at work much at all from the 18th to Nov. 2nd. Make sence?
Well..time for me to go eat my breakfast..finally...lol.
You all have a good day! I can't wait to get home, fix me a cup of hot tea and get in the tub!

I hope everyone has a great day. I was up until after 1 a.m. this morning doing laundry and now I am having a cup of coffee so I can get ready for my day. I have my 9 month check-up at St. V today. If anyone knows if Dan is still there, I would stop by and see him while I am there today. I hope everything is ok for Dan. Him and Ann are both in thoughts and prayers.
Does anyone know about how to go about starting a support group. We don't have one close by to me and there are lots of people around here that I know that has had the surgery. If anyone has any information could you please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Everyone enjoy the day even though it is cold and nasty.
thats really all I can say!
My hubby accidently left the front door cracked a bit and its FREEZING in here, tho I refuse to turn the heat on yet. I just grabbed the fluffy robe and slippers (was a fuzzy XL pink set) i got at the exchange, so thanks to whoever brought that! My little rat terrier was shivering this morning, so I put her little sweater on her. so cute.
Oh, and Jan thanks for brining the lemon citracal. They are way better than the carmel, so I went and got a box. I found they taste best if i keep them in the fridge.
I've so far tried the fruit punch new whey that Carmen brought me to the exchange. If I water it down pretty well and just add it to my water I drink throughout the day I can stomach it pretty well. Gonna try some sort of profect today, but idk what kind yet.