middle of the week
Morning........we sure have had a few nice days, now a freeze warning....
today i am staying home...i worked on my plants getting them back in 2 times now, and i keep finding walnuts in the pots, some squirrels are sure gonna be wondering where their winter stash is...lol....anyway hopefully i can get the moss in the pot and in the house before they dig any more in them..
ohhhh i get to see Tammy L. monday...( a friend is turning 50 on monday and getting her some flowers) .and let me brag on her size 6...and they are baggy...i know i will not know who she is...so i will sure post another brag when i see her in person...she is in FL today I believe....to show off.....LOL..
Good morning all!
Angie...I don't really have any plants to bring in but my tomato plants are still loaded with tons of green tomatoes. I'm thinking about going out when I get home from work and picking all of them. Since I can't do fried green tomatoes anymore and I don't really care for relish, I'm not sure what to do with them. I did add a few the other night to some zuccini that I sauteed in olive oil and they just blended right in. When I try to finish ripening then inside, it seems like the skin turns red but the insides stay green for the post part. Any ideas??? I don't want to see them all go to waste.
We had a fire drill here at work this morning. I was fortunate and already on the main level so at least I didn't have to fight with the stairs. We can go to two different places...one inside, but in a different building and the other outside. They use to say that for fire, go to the outside one and everything else, the other building. As I now know, it's an either/or. So anyway...since I was already downstairs and with a head start, I head outside (although it had just quit raining a few minutes beforehand). And wouldn't you know it??? I was the ONLY one from our department (of about 60-70 people!!) to go out there!!! Everyone else opted for 'dry'. LOL! Leave it to the one in a walking boot to go where it was the most difficult to walk!! Thank goodness for cell phones. I called my boss'es cell and let him know where I was and that I was ok. Haha!! I can look at it this way, IF the building was on fire and had spread to the other buildings, 'I' would have been just fine! LOL!
With it suppose to be getting cold today, I'm having a hard time convincing myself to stay at work. I need to go find me a coat. Mine from last year is a 14-16 and I'm in a 10-12 now. I can just imagine all that cold air whipping in that extra room! Brrrrr.... So...who knows, after lunch, I just may NEED to take off and go shop.
(Now that I SURVIVED the fire drill!

Thank you for the suggestion!! I had some empty cardboard boxes from my Achiev drinks. I took 2 of them and put a large apple in each and then split up the green tomatoes between them. I can't eat apples anymore (they just won't stay down) so this is a great way to use them! They were getting soft in the fridge. It would be fantastic if this works well!! If the freeze doesn't kill them, there were still dozens of baby tomatoes and blossoms on the plants.
Thanks again!!
Looking out my window the rain seems to have arrived. As long as it doesn't turn to snow until after I get back in my nice warm house. Eric left today for his fraternity fishing trip. 5 days without the boy...whatever shall I do!?! Oh yeah, sprawl across the bed when I sleep, keep the house clean and orderly, watch whatever I want on TV! Oh the possibilities are endless! I can't wait! Oh yeah...I miss him too