Pre op testing and class. . .DONE!!!!

My angelette, Gail Owens is having her surgery on the 24th there also! Maybe the two of you will be able to walk together at the hospital, I am sure she would love that! Surgery sisters, that would be great! I plan on being there for her surgery, maybe I could check in on you also!
Good luck, it is an amazing journey! I wish you the best, and a speedy recovery, with lots of WOW moments to look forward to ahead!!!
You are gonna be a loser soon! It is so much fun, being a loser!!
Have a great day! Hugz Dawn
the next two weeks will fly by. I think it was great that you hurried back from Indy last night and made our support group meeting. It really is a good group and as I'm sure you noticed there are a few who do the majority of the talking. I usually just sit back and take it all in. By the time the next meeting comes around in November you will be a loser also! (Did ya ever think you like being reffered to as a loser) This surgery is really an amazing thing.
Hey there.
I rushed home, yes, but sadly I didn't make it to the meeting. I came home to a sick child. The class I meant was the pre op class I took. I will definitely be at the November meeting.
I look forward to it.
I sat next to another patient that is going to be attending the meetings too. She lives in Columbia City and is having surgery on the 20th.
I hope the next two weeks fly by!