It's Tuesday!!
Good morning everyone!
I hope you all are feeling well today. Since I don't have any doctor appointments today, I'm actually going to try to work all day I don't want to get them too use to seeing me there though.
It has helped some though me wearing shoes to work and then switching into the walking boot before I leave my truck and keeping it on the rest of the day. I think the ligaments are even feeling a little better with me doing that.
You all have terrific day!

Just another Tuesday for me! No big plans until after dinner. I am going to do something that I haven't done in years. I'm a little nervous and I hope it goes well. I am taking the kids roller skating and I promised them I would try to skate with them. I would only watch from the side in fear that I would fall and put a whole in the floor or not be able to get back up. I don't want to live like that any more. I am going for it and I hope I don't break my body up. LOL I think the skates should fit my legs by now, so everyone say a quick prayer and wish me some luck. I may need it!
Sherri glad to hear you found a little relief from your misery. I hope all went well at the Dr. Yesterday.
Jan- I hope you didn't have anymore food dreams. I have not had any, but I know it would make me feel guilty too.
Linda- Glad you finally got some panties that don't fall to the floor, that can be a bit breezy! LOL
Everyone have a great day,
Good Morning all.....i put in a couple of job apps yesterday.... have to go back to a temp service for orientation this I plan to go out and finish anything that will be done outside for the bon fire..pole barn is about done other than setting up tables and chairs.....which i hope to get done on friday so sat i have as little as possible to do...
also if you come across this lip balm called CHICKEN POOP it is the best i have ever ever gotten....walgreens has it and my lips stay chapped any more....this stuff makes them soft in no time at all....i got 2 this time as they do not always have is by the cashier....
Morning, All!
I've been MIA for a couple of weeks. I'm into my final core class at school and it's been a real *itch! There's soooooo much work to do for this class that I sometimes wonder how I'm going to accompli**** all.
After this, I still have 2 electives to take and I want to double up and finish those by January. Then I'll FINALLY be a
....and I made it before I turned 45 (that doesn't come until March)!! Yippee!
I'm still doing physical therapy for my recuperating knee. I'm hoping they'll turn me loose after this week and allow me to get back to the gym. My weight has been at a complete standstill since my knee acted up and menopause crap sure isn't helping, either!
OK, I'm done whining for now...
Hope everyone has a wonderful day. It should be gorgeous out there...possibly the last nice day for the rest of the week. Can you believe they're talking SNOW by Thur-Fri?????

Good morning everyone! I have a hectic day planned....this time tomorrow morning I will be sunning myself on the beaches of Panama City Beach Florida
It's just a girl trip me, my youngest daughter, my sister and my neice. Only down side is we had our hearts on seeing Bo Bice in concert down there and he had to cancel. lol Angie, he is my Bob Segar. Do you guys remember him from American Idol? Be still my heart
hubby thinks I'm nuts. Have a great day all!!

Good morning everyone!
Well, it looks like I'll have to time to start nesting soon, but prolly not the resources. Due to cir****tances beyond our control, and that are long, drawn out, and I dont have the heart write out (nor do you have the desire to read- trust me) we are down to one car, which means I have had to quit my job. At least the house will be happy to be spic n span again. Except that I started to go upstairs and found a HUGE spider, so came back down. That's a hubby job for sure! Well, this laundry isn't going to start itself, so I better get to crackin!
It's Noon!! I just got back from enjoying my first ever massage! What a great way to celebrate 12 Weeks Post Op and 48 Pounds lost! I truly believe I am going to have to start making massages a part of my life!! The lady was just a doll (she works on Eric since his car wreck in March) and now I am truly thinking about going to massage school. Looks like I'll be spending the afternoon researching. My degree isn't really working for me so time to do something different.
Hope everyone has a great day and Carmen/Sherri/Gail BE CAREFUL/Take Care of yourselves!!!