My busy day update...
Hey everyone! I know, It's about bedtime, not's the scoop...
The RV: Pics are on my PictureTrails ( ..or see my profile for the link). We drove it home, but that's about it so far. We have LOTS of playing to do this weekend!! Bill is busily reading all the manuals, etc that we found in one of the cabinets. I think that will keep him busy (and off of E-bay!!) for a few weeks.
My 2 yr check-up: Weight loss wasn't that hot, but at 2 years and after being on a walking restriction, not too surprised. Dr. Gupta and the dieticians seemed happy that I just didn't gain during this past 6 months considering. My next appointment isn't until Sept. 07. I do have to go get blood drawn Sat. though. Oh..Dr. Gupta even thinks I'm strange since the Loratab gives me Guess I'll mention it at my PCP appointment on the 20th and see what she says. I know when my son was young and dignosed with ADDS, I was told that ADDS can make meds react opposite...such as caffiene could put an ADDS person to sleep. So who knows? That wouldn't surprise me. LOL!
I did go ahead and set up a PS consult with Dr. Turkle for January 8th. Her next available appointment was Dec. 5th, but I'll be in the surgical boot for my left foot then so I thought it best to wait till I can 'walk'. I'm hoping I can start the procedures before summer hits. I'm going to check in to: body lift (so my butt & thighs will be done too!), girls repair!!, nose job (including the procedure to clear out the sinus pasageway). I figure a nice little bank note is coming up, huh? Oh well, can you say 'medical tax deduction'?? I estimated at one point that it will be roughly ~$20,000 or so. WOW! But I'm worth it, right????
Dinner was great with our friends. Of course, they all offered to be a phone call away when I have surgery #2. I just may take them up on that!!
You all have a terrific evening. I joined some RV Yahoo groups so I think I'm gonna check them out before I turn in for the night. You know me....if I get into something new (like WLS), I'm going to seek out the experts and make new friends!!
Don't worry, you all came first!

That sucker is huge!! It's awesome, you are going to have so much fun and see so many great places!! You are so lucky! I bet it wont be to many years before you are planning early retirement just to spend more time in that baby! Great pictures I love the tiny toilet and spray hose. That's always the first place I check out in those things. LOL You seem so little and petite in your pictures I just have this great mental image of you sitting in the drivers seat of that thing and for some reason you have on some type of sun visor or hat and your smiling and waving at everyone passing by and kind of bouncing up and down and having so much fun. I know I am such a nut but seriously that's what I see.
Have a fun weekend,
Me little and petite??? OMG, I LOVE YOU FOR SAYING THAT!! Haha!! I have never been considered either of those! Thank you so much! That just totally made my day!
After we got the RV home & parked where Bill's truck usually sets, it didn't look no where near as long as it did at the dealer's. Come to find out, it's only about 10' longer than my Durango. I am surprised at how much storage space there is. I was about ready to jump for joy (with my foot..just a figure of speech) when they showed us how the Queen bed lifts up for storage. I was like 'wow! Now I'm not worried about going to Vegas!'. Bill just started laughing and said 'yeah, but we'd still have to rent a U-Haul trailer to bring back everything you buy!'. He knows me so well...LOL!
I was glad that it was explained during the demo of the little hose by the toilet. I honestly did not know. I guess one lady wanted a longer hose..she wanted to know how in the world anyone could wash their hair at the sink with it being so short! LOL!!! (for others who are in the dark like I was...that hose is to rinse the toilet out with).
Oh...I had my early retirement planned out for a few years now! I can retire early on April 30, 2015 (8.5 years). Full retirement would be 5 years after that. We'll have to see what the $$ difference is by then. One thing for sure though, until that time comes, I have many hats to choose from to wear! My leather Austrailian cowboy hat is my favorite one. I got it in Vegas last March and love it. Add this to your mental image of music blaring and me singing right along with it...namely, Hony Tonk BaDonka Donk! LOL!
Hope your weekend is terrific too!