That is too funny because I looked up your profile last night before support group to see a picture of you so I could introduce myself. I didn't find one
Where were you sitting in support group? I think I remember seeing the words Pearson Ed on a shirt.
If you are standing in the back of the room I was sitting in the front row on the right side of the room. I had on my bright orange Clarian shirt and my hair was in a pony tail. I was sitting right next to the blonde girl in the front row who just had surgery 5 weeks ago and was from St. V's.
Have you attended SG there before?

ok, I know who you are now, your friend had her surgery at St. V's and that is were I am going.I was sitting in the 3rd roll back by the lady who won the shirt. I had my hair in a pony to. There was a lady in the front row with you wearing a Pearson ed shirt to but hers was gray and when I walked in she said hey stranger. I told her about the Clarion support meetings because they are so fun.