'Sleepy' is right! Being back to work is being a little rough on my foot. It was so sore and swollen last night. I put ice on it so that helped the swelling some. When I went to bed though, anywhere on that side of my foot that touched the bed woke me up instantly. Finally, about midnight, I took some NyQuil. I know. I was in pain, not coughing but Loratab gives me insomia. The NyQuil put me out by 12:30 but when the alarm went off at 4, I sure didn't want to get up! So here I am at work, foot hurting, and it's all I can do to keep my eyes open. Hmmmm...I think I'll be using a few of those vacation hours today! I really doubt I'm able to stay here at my desk till 3 doing computer work all day.
I hope you al have a terrific day!
Sleepy Sherri

I'm so glad i dont work today.
I feel horrible, and I woke up at 4am bawling my eyes out over a dream I had. Did someone say before that they had some of the lemon Citracal chews they didn't like/want? I love lemon and I'm wanting to try one before I go buy a whole box. I had LOVED the chocolate mint ones, now I cant find anywhere that sells them. Walmart all cut back to just chocolate, carmel and lemon. I dont like the plain chocolate ones, im going to try a carmel today. hopefully i like one of them!
gonna try to get some housework done today, but who knows
Carmen those muffins sound yummy, i cant wait to eat one!
Oh that sounds awful! It makes my foot hurt just thinking about it. I hope it starts getting better real soon. BTW congrats on your new toy!! I can't wait till the day that we can afford some fun stuff like that. Do you drive it since Bill doesn't drive? That is very brave! I have a hard time just parking my mini van. LOL
I hope your day gets better,
Yep, I'm the only driver in the house. If we had a riding lawn mower, I would hide the keys from Bill! Fortunately, he's intelligent enough to know it wouldn't be wise for him to be behind the wheel of any moving object. I test drove the RV last Saturday and it handled really nice. That's saying something as sore as my foot is. By the time I was 2 blocks from the dealer, I was driving with one hand on the I do my SUV. 27' is a good length for me. Any longer, and I think it would intimidate me. I practiced backing up in the dealer's lot and didn't have any problems with that either. Now, if it was a towed trailer instead, I probably would have jack-knifed it. I prefer the ones with the cab over too. The others are too much like a bus..way too much glass.
BTW...I got my costume about put together for the conference too. I'm gonna all tell me if this is fitting for me....a cheerleader! Don't expect no flips though! LOL! I needed to find a costume that I could wear my extra wide tennis shoes with (because of my foot 'difficulties'). I confess that I did buy it at the Halloween shop (East Washington, Indy), not make it. I picked up some pom-poms at Walgreens last night from the kiddie toy! Oh!! Bill didn't think my hair was quite right for the look so I bought a blonde wig with pony tails too! LOL!!
No. I've had the reservation set at the Raddison since the end of April...WAY, WAY before I had a clue that Bill was thinking about getting an RV...probably WAY before he even considered it himself. I think Ellen MIGHT be thinking about coming down in their that right Ellen? However, I'm sure Donna & I wouldn't kick anyone out of our room for being a party animal! LOL!