Good morning all!
Well..lived through yesterday. My foot is still sore today from yesterday...so today ought to be REAL good. I had to go over to the other side of the plant and missed the shuttle bus (it was suppose to be there at 1:36, I was there at 1:25 and I missed it!) so I wound up walking over to there. Then on the way back, two different drivers had told me I needed the 'green line'. Come to find out, I needed the 'yellow' one! So...would up with alot longer of walk there too. Total yesterday...5.93 miles! no wonder my foot was so swollen huh? All I got accomplished was deleting about 600 emails. Today, I'll start on reading the last 100 that looked like they might need read by their subject line.
Today is going to be a short work day. I have an endocrinologist appointment at 8:45. About time to go brave the traffic of 465!
You all have a great day...and Ellen & Darrah...thank you for your concern over how yesterday went for me. I appreciate it.
Good Morning Sherri,
Glad to hear your back at work, take it easy! I know you tried, have to get ahold of that shuttle driver!!LOL! Wow, almost 6 miles in on the first day back, look out when your all healed up! It is good to see ya back posting, first even!
Hope everyone has a good day and gets to stay dry! I had class last night and homework online to do aferwards, so I am very tired today, can't afford to take off or I would be sleeping in!
Can't wait to see/meet everyone Saturday! What is everyone taking for the pitch-in? Sherri- any suggestions, you always have something yummy for us to try, eclairs this time? Not sure how hard they would be for ya, with your foot bothering ya!
Have a great day, Hugz Dawn
Good Morning! Sherri my foot hurts with sympathy for yours after yesterday!! Make sure you take it easy!! Have you decided about if you are attending the clothing exchange? My friend Sarah and I are going to meet at St. Vincents on Saturday AM. You are more than welcome to ride with us or even I can pick you up and then we can carpool with Sarah. Just an offer
Don't want you to overdo anything!
Today I am officially 11 weeks out from surgery and 45 pounds lighter. I feel really good. Wish I was a little farther along in my weight loss but alas I'll take what I got.
Hope everyone has a great day! Got all my stuff together for the clothing exchange and I'm ready to go!

Thank you for the offer but I'm going to have to decline. I think Bill will want us to be playing with his new toy. He is good at going on quests and I think my not being able to drive for so long made him have abit of cabin fever...so..he decided we NEEDED an RV. While I was recuping with my foot propped up, he started a new quest by being on the net researching RV's. We went and looked at one last Saturday & test drove it. Even with a bad foot, it was a piece of cake to handle. It's a '92, 88 k miles, 27 feet, and sleeps 6 (includes a queen bed). It was reasonably priced and it terrific shape for a '92 so he decided to go for it. We pick it up Thursday morning. Since I work Friday, I expect him to want us to be out in it over the weekend. It's the least I can do for him after all the waiting on me he's done and will be doing.
Good Afternoon All,
I am home from testing!!!!
No blood left, it took 5 times to get all 8 tubes. And I made it. Everything is starting to be no real, but I'm good .
Hope all enjoys the sunshine, it was storming bad went I got to St V's. And 4 days till the Exchange, YESSSSSSSSSSSSS. I can't wait to meet everyone.
Hugs, Gail