Fun for everyone!
I wanted to let you all have a little fun for the next 2 weeks. I am due for my big GENDER ultrasound on October 19! I have set up a game at that you all can participate in. I will tell you this much, when you enter the day you think I will deliver, it will DEFINATELY be before my due date. I am having a scheduled csection. I will know what date that is at the end of November in which I do believe I will end the little game. But...until then, I thought you all would have some fun guessing the gender and such. Try it out: and the game name is anderson3. Have fun and believe me...I will post what the baby is AS soon as I know!

I had a scheduled C' section with my second son, it was fun telling everyone I will be having it (they wouldnt tell me the sex 27 years ago even after monthly ultrasounds) on March 26th about 8:00... the Dr was a little slow.. he was born at 8:19.
My grandson is due Dec. 8th.. she was close on the first one I think this one will be cloise too.
What fun!