My Sunday Morning Update
Well Im having a great new week. I just wanted to share with everyone that I made it yesterday to below 300. I didnt post it yesterday becouse my scales can be crazy at times. I wanted to make sure it was below 300 2 days in a row. Well today I was 298!!!! This is a great milestone for me. I made it to this point about 4 yrs ago and it lasted for 3 weeks and then I gained it all back plus more.... U all know that story Im sure. Its a great feeling to know this time its for good. I will never see 300 again.
My new goals are to loose 4 more lbs and get that century mark and then get below the 40 bmi. Then it will be to make it to my 1/2 way mark. I updated my profile but I still havent been able to get a pic of my new hair cut. I'll just have to get one when I go back to work this week. Im sure I can find someone that knows how to take a pic. My little neice tried this weekend but they werent the greatest. I dont think she could hold the camera still long enough to snap the pic...LOL
All I can say is life is good here. I hope u are all doing well. I cant wait to see everyone next weekend. I told my husband about how I mentioned needing a winter coat and 2 ppl offered me one and how great u all are. So he said I should ask u all for that Louis Vittion purse I keep begging him to buy for me while hes in LA. I just tease him about it...we could never afford it and hes such a tight wad anyway. It was just funny....he said maybe those women in that support group can grant u 3 wishes ....I just LMAO.
Thanks for all your support during this time. U have all been here for me everytime I needed you. You are the best online support group and I dont think I could have made it here without u. U were all here when I was just trying to get approved...that seems like only last week and here I am now....below 300 lbs. How amazing this all is!!!
Congratulations Mariah!!! You are doing amazing!
It is so nice to hear that your spirits are up and that you are feeling better and starting to enjoy the WOW moments! This journey is so amazing, we all face some bumps along our journeys, but they are so worth it!
I can't help you with the purse... saorry... wish I could grant wishes but my magic wand is not working!!!
Can't wait to see/meet ya Saturday!
Keep up the great journey, you will be a member of the century club SOON!!!
Have a great day! Hugz Dawn
Thanks Dawn,
I was never born with a silver spoon and I for sure didnt get that wand. I used to dream about being Tabitha on Bewitched. I wanted to be able to twitch my nose and have all the toys I wanted...LOL Her life was sure different than mine.
Boy was that a long time ago...didnt take long for my reality to set in
I'll see u Sat
Thanks for your encouraging message you sent me on my upcoming surgery! I can't believe it's only 1wk away tomorrow! I read your profile and was encouraged so much; sounds like we had some things in common. I just went to get a new haircut for the new me and nails are done!
. You sound like such a wonderful person and you lifted my spirits!
Be Blessed!

Not a problem Shawna, Its great to have u as apart of our group. Have u posted any pics of your new "do". I love getting my nails done too. I used to do that all the time. As for me being a wonderful person I'd like to be the first and probably the only one to tell u I am...LOL. Just dont ask my husband or my family...u might get another answer.
Carmen, I just got done getting ready for work tonight and I was able to get my butt in your 26 capri jeans for the first time. Im even more psyched than I was earlier. So good that Andys not home today he wouldnt be able to stand me being so high on
Well everyone have a good night,

Thanks Linda,
Its a very exciting time. I cant wait to get under a size 20 also. That goal is just a little further down my list of short term goals. Being so tall and so over will take me a little longer to get down that far. Ive lost almost 100 lbs and only went from a huge 32 to a 26/28
Also for everyone, annoyinglizard was able to put my new pic on my profile. I did my hair last night so its not as cute as when I had it done last week. I still like not having all that wt on my head. My hair was so thick its nice to have all that wt gone from my neck.
Thank you !!!
I wish u would have stopped in yesterday too!!! Just becouse it was lonely on here. I must have check in 3 or 4 times all day and nothing new was every happening. I thought maybe it was the weekend u were on vacation or something. Hope u had a good weekend.
Looking forward to our adventure SAT!!! Hope all is still on for the road trip!