Wow, can you believe September is already over???? (or nearly anyway)
I can't blieve its 10am on a friday and no posts! Im heading out to get winow coverings for the house, and then over to see Dad. Gotta get these windows covered before I'll turn the heat on , and it's getting awfully cold in here. We can't afford those $300 gas bills that we had last winter, so I'm doing my best to winterproof the houseplus there is a gap under our front door im trying to fix, tired of shacking up with all the bugs!
I've been having a hard time sleeping lately, and when I do sleep I have HORRIBLE dreams. I'm wondering if it's a pregnancy thing. I seem to remember my mom telling me she had a lot of odd/ bad dreams when she was pregnant.
I know what u mean about the month about over. Time is flying by lately. We just marked our calander this morning. Andy and I do it together every week when hes home. Today it makes 69 days till he can come home for good. It was so great when we made it under 100 but now to be under 70 days seems unbelievable. Only thing that scares me about time flying so fast is that Im getting older that much faster.
Also I see about 15 posts from this morning. I just dont think anyone started a new friday thread...we all are still talking on so many of the other ones.
Darrah...are u going to the clothing exchange. I have a down comforter if I can find it I could bring to you. It really helps u from having to have the heat so high when u are sleeping. I have them on all my beds...but I did have an extra one we used to use to curl up on the couch with...
OK, here are my tips. You can take 'em or leave 'em.
Get a space heater. There are actually a lot of safe ones on the market right now. I got one from Wal-Mart last year. My husband and I use it while we watch TV, and then unplug it before bed. It warms our living room nicely. I'm too cheap to heat my living room and master bedroom because of the vaulted ceilings.
Last year, I made my man start wearing pj bottoms, t-shirts, and socks instead of lying around in shorts.
In the winter, we also use the little bathroom for showers instead of the master bath which is too big and the ceramic floors are too cold.
Cover tile/ceramic/wood floors with throw rugs.
Keep all your closet doors closed at all times.
Keep your garage door closed.
Lock your windows. They won't seal if they aren't locked.
If you don't use a room, close it up and close the vent. There is no sense in heating my computer room that I only use for a short while everyday.
When you get done using your oven, leave the door open and let all that heat out. I'm so cheap, I do the same thing with the dishwasher.
Wear warm clothes and drink warm beverages. Last year, I hit the apple cider, cinnamon, and Maker's Mark pretty hard. This year, I will have to modify that.