I am ready and happy just wish I could dance
Hello All,
I am so ready for surgery. I am not going to ? if I fail because I will not give myself a chance to fail.
My pcp said I was ?ing me cause I was sick and wasn't making good decisions due to the tooth pain and ear pain. My counselor told me about the same thing.
I recieced all my pre op packets today. I was so excited. I got goose bumps!!!!
I so ready I have medical testing Tuesday and pre-ob testing on Friday. The
Exchange on Sat. And a visit to a doctor where I take my chest x-ray on Tuesday.
I will need to get my hair done and lots of other things to do.
I can't wait to ear how Lexington is/was. I am so excited for all those who are attending. Well thanks to all you good great supportors who would stop beliving thst I am not to fail only lose.
Hugs to all of You. Gail

Hang in there my
You are so on your way!!!! I am so excited that I am finally going to get to meet you-soon!Less than a month to go now, the time will fly by, make a list and check it twice, you are on your way!!!
So glad to hear your spirits sounding up, could feel the smiles on your face, that is so good, keep it up!
Have a great evening, Hugz

Hi Gail,
I'm very happy for you. You will be on the losing side in no time.
I'm not sure what you are having done to your hair, but just a word of advice: DON'T get a perm! The anasthesia will ruin it. This I learned the hard way. It will take the existing perm right out of your hair and you won't be able to get another for at least six weeks after surgery. It takes that long for the drugs to begin to leave your system. (That's why some companies are starting to use hair samples in drug testing.) I fried my hair once because I didn't know this and didn't mention to the hair dresser that I had had anasthesia until it was too late. My hair was so burnt up
from the perm solutions that I had to cut it short and wait for it to grow out again!
Good Luck to you. I hope you surgery and recovery are smooth sailing for you.