Hump Day Roll Call
I just wanted to say hi. I've been lurking here and on the Ohio forum for the past several months and just recently started posting there. I hate to say this about my fellow buckeyes, but their forum isn't near as interesting as it is over here. Everyone over there is friendly, but don't have anything like this daily thread.
Darrah - your post brought me out of the shadows. I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Nine months ago I watched my dear mother die. She had Alzheimer's type dementia for several years but in November started going down hill. To make a long story short, she had been admitted to the hospital the first week of December and when we realized there was nothing more they could do for her, I had her returned to her nursing home, where she could die in a familiar place and near people who cared about her. She was under 24 hour a day Hospice care and toward the end I spent 24 hours a day with her, leaving only when my sisters and nieces would show up to stay with her while I grabbed a bite to eat and went home to shower. Feel free to email me anytime you need a shoulder to cry on - sometimes it's easier to talk to strangers than your family and friends.
Welcome to the IN room. Its so nice to see new posters in here. Im sure u will feel at home here in no time....we will feel like FAMILY before u know it...LOL
.....Just so everyone else knows. Sheryle is my AUNT... So be nice to her and dont talk bad about me in front of her...LOL. Maybe she will tell u all about her plans to have RNY in the New Yr.
Hi Sheryle! We are a pretty fun bunch but also can get pretty silly at times. Be warned!!
I see you live in Oxford. A very close family friend just started her freshman year at Miami. So far she loves it! Also my boyfriends mother works there in Oxford. She works at ummm...Oh crap...Square D or Circle D? Some factory there that makes fuse boxes. I know that much. She actually works in the cafeteria.
Welcome to our humble home!

Welcome to the Indiana board! It's nice to see new faces coming up each day!
First off I am sending you condolences about your mother. That must have been an exhausting and horrible experience. I would say it is time to focus on you and your health now. So congratulations on starting your journey!!!
I was wondering which Aunt you are? I have spoken with Mariah several times when she has spoken of her aunt. I know she said one of them had diabetes and was working real hard to control it with diet and exercise. Is that you? I think she also spoke of one that was very pretty and dressed real nice a lot. I bet that was you for sure. If not then I bet that's what she'll say now! LOL I'm teasing! I just love to razz her, because she is always so witty and I know she will be reading this and every post on here since it is all so interesting and dramatic. I swear it really stimulates my brain and gives me something to do besides eating. I love all the great advice I get on here. I also just love to get all these glimpses into other people's lives. It makes me feel good having the knowledge that I am not the only one whose life is not perfect. Now you know why I am always around and what I get from the board. How about you?
Your new supportive team member,
Thanks for the welcome. As much as I would like to say that, "yes, I'm Mariah's pretty aunt who dresses nice," I'm sure she's talking about her dad's sister - she is very pretty. Of course, now that you've put her on the spot, Mariah will have to say it's me. LOL! I am the one who is diabetic. I've heard her talk about you a lot and, don't worry, it's all been good.
I'm thinking about having RNY, but am still trying to make up my mind. Right now I'm just getting things started and hope to have the surgery early next year. I see how well Mariah has done and it gives me a little more courage to go through with the surgery.
Hi Sheryle!
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you! I havent been keeping up on the board or my emails much lately. this morning i had 89 unread emails if that tells you anything lol. If you chose to have surgery, it will happen in your own time, but id advise you to find out what hoops your insurance wants you to jump through so you can get that started. then if you decide not to have it, well hey, what harm could some MD supervised weight loss do? thanks for your words of encouragement and dont be a lurker! get out there and post!