Hump Day Roll Call
I woke this morning and while walking to the bathroom I was thinking "What excuse could I give for not going in today".. Realized I would not be able to fall back to sleep so decided to get on here then just go on to work.. from here on in it is all downhill!!!
The exchange is coming soo fast and I will be with my buddies this time.. will be able to enjoy the day!! No hubby no sisters (cept my surgery sisters Peg and Julie) to one to bring me down...
Hi all,
I was so bad yesterday and now I feel miserable. I ate two chicken strips from KFC. I have no idea why I wanted them so much. I don't ever eat there. They went down great and I felt wonderful and totally content after eating them but now this morning I am all swollen and kind of dehydrated feeling. I think they must have had too much salt for me. I know they were way too much fast and carbs for me nut I couldn't stop thinking about hem all day. I don't have much guilt from it because all in all I have been so good since surgery. I have eaten a few no nos but for the most part not. Oh well.....
I hope today turns out as nice as it was yesterday. I love the beautiful fall days! I am wondering what I will find to do today! I know that one of my kids has a 1 mile run she will be in this afternoon but before that I hope to find some fun!
Everyone enjoy your day and think healthy,
Carmen, I havent talk to u much since I was at your house Sunday so Let me fill u in on the bites....
I got home that night and I was in so much pain. I called work and took a personal day. Was going to try and get to the dr on Monday. Well becouse of the pain I couldnt sleep all night...and all that morning. Thats why I was posting so much and even ran out to the store. Then when my Drs office came in I had finally passed out asleep and when I woke up they were closed.
Monday night I went to work and I was miserable. My underwear and my clothes kept rubbing and driving me nuts. So I put some triple antibiotic on it and double padded it with huge dressings to get thru the night. Called my boss and schedule vacation days for the rest of the I could stay out of tight clothes as much as possible.
Yesterday I got ahold of my drs office but he was in surgery. So they made me an appt for this afternoon.
Today will be such a busy day. I have my hair appt this morning(cut and color and eyes waxxed) ...My drs apt this afternoon and Andy just called. He just boarded his flight and will be home about noon today.
Well I'll let u know what happens later. I did make it to CVS last night for a book of hairdos...not sure I really loved any of them. So I think I'll just go in and tell her to do anything she wants to. I mean if its gonna start falling out in a month or wont really matter anyway. I can grown it all back out in a yr or two anyway. It grows like a weed.
I hope u find something exciting to do today. Workout for me
Good morning all
Today I'm hoping that we find out about the hospice care for my dad. He has decided that he wants to die at home, and not at an actual hospice, so were looking into programs that we can afford. After we get him enrolled in something he should be able to leave the hospital. And from there, we just wait. It's doubtful that he will make it through long enough for me to have the baby, and that makes me really sad, as I have a small family, and my mom died when I was 19, so all I'll have left is my brother. I will prolly have to call work as well and see about a leave of absence, because I know whatever program we take it won't be a full time hospice care, which will increase the amount of time we will need to be caring for dad. We can't really afford for me to quit, but I can't just not take care of my dad either. It's a crappy situation, and I can't figure out what to do.
Im so sorry to hear your dad is at the end of life. I know that has to be so tuff. My dad almost died of a heart attach the yr before my wedding. He had a long way but for weeks they didnt think he would and I was beside myself to say the least.
Isnt it amazing how giving God is. He saw that u were going to lose your dad and he blessed u with a new family member right when u thought u could never have a baby. How can we not believe in God when amazing things like this happen.
I will continue to keep u and your family in my prayers.

I've been mussing about my hair lately. It has always been stick straight. I started losing hair sometime in the 3rd month and it continued until this last month. Most people didn't notice since I usually keep it short. I noticed thou and it bothered me. The new hair coming in is not the same. It is wirey and curley. I hope as it grows out more it relaxes a little bit. Mariah you are so pretty any cut would look good on you.
Carmen: Maybe it was the weather yesteday, I was beat last night and ate donut my hubby brought home from the fair. I felt like I had to
but it wouldn't come back up and I felt miserable all night. Serves me right. I know better. It didn't even taste that good. I know I couln't take the chicken strips. Even the smallest amount of grease makes me queezy. I'm on paint detail after work all week. My daughter bought a house and EVERY room is pink (that also makes you want to:puke:
0. She wants to move in next sunday. We have the downstairs all done just have to do the up in the next few days.
Darrah I'm so sorry about your dad. You need to spend as much time with him now as you can because it is time you can't get back later. There will always be a job for people who aren't afraid of work. Sometimes you just gotta do what you feel is right.
Gor will provide.

Thanks Jan, I got it cut. Its short and edggy and I can say it makes me feel 20 again. I have been on the biggest high all day. The girl who cut my hair was totally amazed at my wt loss. It took her about an hr before she finally asked me about. She said she kept waiting for me to bring it up. Then before I left she was hugging me and wishing me well. She said she was so happy that I took my life back and that I was in charge of my own life now. Really made me think and she was right. Ive been impossible for Andy to live with every since. Im so happy and so excited....and all he keeps saying is just be careful. U know how down u have been and He doesnt want to see me crash....poor guy hes still worrying about me!!!!
Then I went to the DR for these Darn SPIDER bites. I have 6 of them right in my groin where my underwear rubs. My gyn also was floored when she put me on the scale. She must have taked to me for 15 min after my appt about my wt loss and how I was doing. When I left she was still going on and on congratulating me...I told her to be careful cause everyone in the office thought she was congratulating me becouse I was pregnant. LOL
As soon as I can get a pic of the hairdo I'll post it so u and Carmen can check it out.
That is so exciting!! I bet you look great. I can't wait to see the new hair. I told you I could really tell! I'm glad it came from someone that didn't have the surgery, because I know deep down you wouldn't have believed me! LOL
Sorry about the bites, but it was a great way for your DR. to react. I bet you are impossible to live with today! Lol Poor Andy!
I love the energy your post has now find a way to keep it that high. Sure wish you lived closer so I could just pop by and see your new hair.
Have a super evening,