Time to tell the truth...
If it's all dairy products that are giving you problems (milk, cheese, cottage cheese), then you may want to try Isopure (GNC). Only get 1 of each flavor until you know if you like them or not though. Me, I couldn't stand them but I know of others who love them. GNC does have a return policy. I don't know if it's just for unopened product or not.
I have just been going crazy lately. The protein has been a huge battle. I am so ready to go back to work. Then again, I don't want my pants to rub my incisions.
The water is easy. The vitamins are easy. If I could just chug the protein. I thought I would develop a taste for it--like beer.
It just hasn't happened yet.

If you could drink milk.. I drank milk and ate cheese sticks that is how I got my protien in.. I did not worry about meals...for the first six weeks all I did was worry about protien.. I did not have a "meal" for 6 weeks!!
Remember if you want to meet in town just let me know...I think I would get lost trying to find your house!!
I don't get all my protein in. I feel the same as you. How is it even possible. I got the cheese sticks that have 7 g. of protein in each and I have 3 of those a day in between meals. I can't stand the isopure or the powdered dry milk. I am only 3 1/2 weeks post op and I have a hard time getting all my fluids in. I am lucky if I get 45 oz in a day. Just not thirsty.