Size 32 at the clothing exchange
OK Ladies... THIS clothing exchange besides looking for a few new 16's I am looking for size 32 dress clothes for my DIL.. poor girl has the triplets and has started a new job where she is standing in public selling jewelry at Walmart.. needs to look nice.. If you got something will you put it to the side and put my name on it for the clothing exchange..
I have been picking up little clothes for you 8-10's...
Cant wait to see you all and YOU TO DAN>> your picture is sooo exciting!!!
I have some really nice clothes that Carmen had given me. Some I didnt wear long and others I didnt even get a chance to dress up and wear....I dont dress up for work.
I already have them all bagged up and in my trunk...Im ready for that clothing exchange. So when I get there just attack me first....LOL.