Still waiting....
I have been calling aetna every day, and they are telling me the same thing everyday.
"We have recieved your 47 page appeal, and it is still in the review process. You will be notified when the decision is made"
Well, hurry the hell up already!!!
Also called the obesiety lawyer today. I dont think (hope and pray) that I dont need them, but I just want to have all my ducks in a row for if I do, and wont waste the precious 30 days that I will have to get the level 2 appeal done.
Just wanted to let you know what was going for now.
Keep praying....I know I am.
I totally understand your frustration. Good things come to those who wait. (and work hard for what they want) I've heard Aetna can be tough to deal with. There is a woman in our support group that used to do approvals for Aetna. Just be persistant. Just look at Gail.
she was finally approved and I believe you will be also. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

We will all be
with you on the day you are approved.. until then just keep getting ready.. decafanate. reduce or elimanate your sugar and fat intake and get rid of the pop because it will help you sooo much before surgery to reduce the size of your liver..and have all the withdraws taken care of!!!