Need help
Hi every body! I'm new to this. I just did my physical and phyc. Tuesday and got a call from the diet, today and I have to see her on wednesday. They said I have to lose 16 pounds before I have surgery. i need some ideas on what to eat and help. I don't like fruit or hardly any vegetables. I don't eat much chocholate. Ice cream is my weakness. Please help. I need the surgery.
Jan gave you some great ideas. I would also start walking and stick to low/no fat foods as much as you can.
By the way, fruits & veggies are a very healthy addition to a meal..whereas potatoes are not. I would highly reccomend your trying to adapt to the taste of them. Sometimes, it's all in the prepreation. Such as, I can't eat potatoes at all (hypoglycemic) so I cut a rutabaga up like french fries, spray each piece with PAM and bake. Wa-la...healthy french fries.
It will help after surgery and help you loose weight but get rid of any carbonation and caffene. no coffee tea or soda!! 100%juice, crystal light, YOU HAVE to decaffinate PRE SURGERY.
Walking is great and when you ARE sitting then move with hand weights whenever possible, the secret is eatting less moving more.. HIGH PROTIEN.. after surgery you are eatting pure protien because you dont have much room for anything else and y ou HAVE to get the 75 grams in per day. so it MUST be good for ya..
Good Luck!! Linda