Happy ALMOST Friday AKA Thursday!
Good Morning! What a chilly morning!! My thoughts are with Linda and her grandbaby this morning. Today is my Friday as tomorrow I am off taking care of stuff for the wedding I'm in on Saturday. Got my nails, toes, and eyebrows done last night. Have to color the hair tonight. Should be a great time this weekend! So looking forward to it.
Hope everyone is has a great day!!
The dress is very flattering cut. It nicely flows down from a person's largest point...My boobs. It is BRIGHT RED. Think fire engine or hooker red. Here is a link to a picture of it except ours has spaghetti straps and is a brighter red. http://www.jordanfashions.com/products.asp?nCatID=1&nProductID=371&nPhotoID=7341
I'll post picture this weekend!