New Pics/10 Months/-233#
Hi Everyone! Just wanted to share my new pics with everyone. As of today, I weigh 232 pounds: a loss of 233 pounds. Do you know what that means? It means that as of today, I have LOST more weight than what I now weigh!!! THANK YOU, JESUS! And from here on out, I will have lost more weight than what I weigh! This truly feels like a miracle being walked out in front of my eyes! That would be like me, right now, caring around another person, my weight, with me wherever I went. UNBELIEVABLE!!! THANK YOU, JESUS, FOR BRINGING ME OUT OF SUCH BONDAGE! No wonder I could hardly move!
Thanks for letting me share!
WOW that is impressive. I read your profile and I just want to say that I am so Happy that God has blessyou with your weight loss. I am struggling with the problem of if I truly was following God then I wouldn't be heavy. That is one of the things I am still battling. I have a skinny friend who says that if you let God be in control of your life then you won't overeat. I am still trying to decide what I need to do. I guess I am waiting for a sign from God to tell me what I should do. Keep trusting him. Dawn
I had read your profile months ago and felt so inspired, but now I can't even believe it. You look great!! I am sending an email to my Mom for her to make sure she doesn't miss your post and new picture. You are an incredible miracle.
Keep smiling,
When I am feeling down I will be sure to check in on you and be inspired to keep on trying!