Anyone used this insurance?
My insurance is through my husbands employment. He is a school teacher and the insurance is Sagamore Plus through Central Indiana School Employees' Insurance Trust. I havent received my packet yet to send to them, but I was curious if anyone out there has this same insurance and how their approval went or is going. Thanks
How quickly were you approved? And did they require 3 or 6 months of physician supervised diet as some seem to have? Any specific suggestions you can give me on this would be greatly appreciated. I should have my packet later this week and I hope I can get all my info together by the end of the next week. I am anxious to do this!
I was approved within 30 days, seems to me it was about 3 weeks. They sent a letter out wanting some more info from the surgeons office, as soon as they got that it was almost immediate. I'm not sure about the 3-6 months supervised diet because I had documentation for the last 5 years and a recommendation from my "diet" doctor. If you have any other questions I can help you with don't hesitate to ask!