Ultrasound / Exam Results
Hello all!
Had my ultrasound today. I'm not quite as far along as they originally thought, and I had been telling my husband that the whole time. They had me slated to be 9 weeks as of tomorrow, I'm really 7 weeks and 4 days. We got to heart the heartbeat and it just brought tears to my eyes! There REALLY is an whole other PERSON in there growing. I have the pics posted on picturetrail, the link is on my profile. Not much to look at quite yet. THe image on the monitor was better, we could see the heart beating, the arms and legs, and the yolk sac (whatever it does). But its heart rate is good, and the blood test with all my vitamins came back, as my OBGYN said "beautifully." And here I was worried. I do already have an appointment set up with Dr Cacucci and the nutrilionalists, and when I called and made my appt with the nutrionalist, I made sure to let them know I was pregnant.
Also saw the dr about my foot issues. He has cut me down to 7 hour days 4 days a week for now to see if it will help. He's almost certain I've actually torn my joint or have stress fractures that won't show up on an x-ray. Unfortunatly, he needs to do a bone scan to determine anything further, and we can't do that until after the baby gets here. But he said definatly no working full time because I will end up doing permanent damage to my foot, and no one, especially me, wants that.
And that's all I have to update! I just feel so relieved to know that the baby has a heartbeat. It makes it all so real.