Got a (foot) surgery date...
The right big piggie will be getting fixed up on August 11th. For the first 2 weeks, I'm to keep it elevated at all times that I'm not going to the bathroom. So...I won't be on here much during then. The next 4 weeks, I can abit more, but still limited walking. After that, if all goes well at my post-op visit when he removes the cast, I'll be returning to work...for a few weeks. He hadn't mentioned it until today, but he's planning on doing the left big piggie 8-12 weeks after doing the right one (~Oct. 11-Nov.11). I will probably have him wait till after the OH conference since I've already got that paid for! And of course, he said 'no driving'. I had already figured that since it is my right foot that will be in a cast.
I think the reason he is starting to talk about doing the left one too is that it forces a rest on the ligament that is out...oh...and there is now 2 ligaments per foot out! There's the one on the bottom of the foot from toe to heal and then the one that runs toward the back of the foot behind your ankle bone. Press on either spot and OUCH! Anyway, the best way to get these ligaments to heal is 100% no weight. Putting it in a cast for the bunion effectively removes the weight for the ligaments. So much for PT huh?
So a few more weeks of me whining guys & gals....
Thank you all for your support and encouragement through this & my frustration of not being able to walk.
Thank you! Trust me, I'll be on as much as I can. I'm probably more addicted to OH than I am shopping...and I don't mean that as a joke at all. A huge chunk of my life would be missing if I wasn't able to come on here and check on my friends! It's a little different when you are on vacation & busy (like we are when we go to Vegas) than when you are home...SO close to your pc!! LOL!
I DO welcome all phone calls during then (well, heck, during ANYTIME! LOL!). If you want to call me during then and don't have my number, drop Dawn a line. I think I gave her the 100 ways to contact me..haha!!
That is the good thing after the 2nd one. I will be able to drive after the first few weeks of 'keeping it elevated and iced at all times'. I have thought about seeing a knee guy for my left one and see if he could inject some steroids in it when they have me out to work on that foot. It's grinding BIG time. I ent through PT for it years ago but it didn't help. I was really hoping that after I lost weight, I could avoid knee replacement. As I was going DOWN the stairs here at work yesterday though, it made me question that logic. We'll see. Maybe the resting will help it some too. One could hope. Where's your knee surgeon at? My foot one is through Community North.
ps...Good luck on your surgery!!