Nervous about the Psych Eval
Hello all... Happy Hump Day..
Okay now that I'm am technically only 2 or so days away from the Psych Eval on Saturday.. I'm getting nervous.
It this going to be really horrible.. I've talked to a few WLS friends, and they all said they had a very emotional psych eval..
Tell me what you think? I'm having it at ST V Carmel,, is this gonna be like hours long??? They were saying 2 to 3 hours?? Is that right.. My appt is at 10,, they said to come at 9am.. So I'm driving from Batesville, which is like 1.20,, so I'm leaving at 7:30am.. Ohh the early morning saturday.. I hate that...
Heather, I had mine only 2 months ago but it only took 30 min. Ive heard that they have changed the procedure and they make you take some tests before seeing the weird little man...LOL Hes not threatening at all. I hope someone *****cently was there and took the test can help you more than I can.
Heather I had mine at St. V's and I honestly thought I would breeze thru it and thought nothing about it....well..when I got there and started... I found it emotinal going back thru the difficult moments in my life ie: when I miscarried, when my first husband died, the battle I had had with depression, going thru my cancer surgery etc....I cried alot thru it from just raw emotions and all. but thru it all I told him I had been a survivor for every trial I had had to go thru. My session with the Shrink was maybe about 45 minutes....then I had to take 2 written tests that were in total about 800 questions..that is what takes time. The little shrink took all kinds of notes while I was relating my life to him and I wondered what all he took notes on but my Dr. said I had passed with flying colors. It can be deep and upsetting but I think they just really want to know what makes you tick, how addicted to food you really are and are you able to withstand massive changes in your life. If there are any red flags that they see they will work with you to help you overcome them as they understand certain weaknesses or dependancys can greatly affect this surgery. I honestly believe they know what they are doing so relax and just answer the questions honestly and the best you can. you will do fine!